Thursday, June 30, 2016

One Week - First Post-Op

One Week Post-Op milestone!  Feels like a split second and an eternity.  I got a little emotional while sitting in the waiting room remembering my first visit just shy of a year ago and how stressful the last appointment was.  All that in the past now, my newly minted jaw already a huge improvement from how it used to be and recovery on the downhill stretch.

While I was waiting for Dr Best the other surgeon passed by, saw me and stopped in.  I was so excited and told (mumbled and texted) him all about my progress.  He kept asking about and testing the numbness, but otherwise agreed that I was doing really well.  Dr Best arrived and I gave him the rave reviews of his team and how smooth recovery had been as a result.  He was eager to have a look at his work and before I knew it was clipping away the bands.  I had four sets of triple bands on each side and three wires holding a splint (U-shaped plastic plate with impressions to hold the teeth in place after re-positioning the jaw, ie. "tooth cast") to the uppers.  The splint was discarded forever and I was so glad to see it go.

With my jaw free he had me practice opening very slowly and carefully.  Although I couldn't feel exactly what I was doing because of the numbness it seemed smooth and painless, just stiff.  I was able to speak my first words in a week, that was startling and exciting.  He left me with a resident to continue moving and (finally!) brush my teeth.  Never thought my mouth would feel empty with only braces, but yeah... so easy without all the bands, wires and splint.  I worked up to one finger's width opening, but not quite enough to get the tooth brush inside my mouth.  A goal for next week.  With that new bands were placed; this time doubles, three on each side.   My instructions were to not lose weight and continue good hygiene.

Leaving the office I was in tremendous pain on the left side by my ear (at the jaw joint) and felt light headed.  Occasionally at night or in the morning I get a tinge of pain, but nothing like this.  As soon as I got home I took a dose of Ibuprofen and crashed, sleeping for five hours straight.  It amazes me how so little activity can have such an extreme effect.  By evening I felt better and started exploring the new set up.  Without the splint I can feel the inside of my teeth, all neatly lined up with so much space compared to before.  Most importantly, as expected it's a little easier to drink.  With a few breaks to rinse, I was finally able to get the peach smoothie down.  Now starting on more substantial soups, like lentil and polenta.

Before and after pics (sorry the close ups are a little scary).
Pre-appointment.  Still swollen, bruised and puffy.

Hooks, bands, wires and splint.  One full mouth!

Post-appt.  Less puffy, getting closer to normal.
Down to hooks and bands.

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