Saturday, July 2, 2016

Day 10

Swelling has dramatically reduced, first on the left side yesterday and on the right side today.  I have defined cheek bones again!  It's hard to tell from the pictures, but a significant amount of swelling remains.  Puffiness around the mouth, cheeks and nose with hard pockets along the jaw.  Bruising has all but disappeared.  Had a few bouts with pain on my left side again.  It tends to flare up at night, sometimes during the day.  Nothing an Ibuprofen dose can't handle.  
I was looking around a little closer since the swelling and discomfort are down I can see better.  Major shock - my left canine is short!   I hoped I was imagining it and pulled up photos from pre-surgery and it was exactly as I remembered.  Before it was pointed, now it is blunt extending just below the bracket, shorter than the adjacent incisor.  No sharp edges, it was smoothed off and at least looks normal.  I will certainly address that with the surgeon as neither he or the residents made mention of it at any point.  I won't know how bad it is until visiting with my orthodontist and seeing without all the bands, but to my eye it needs to be fixed.  A cap was not in my treatment plan - very upsetting.  Other than that, the teeth appear to line up right, within the range expected for final braces adjustments.  

Continuing on the liquid diet, more protein shakes, smoothies and purees.  While the routine has gotten pretty manageable I am looking forward to my next post-op appointment and recovery stage.  


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