Thursday, July 14, 2016


Eating with your jaw banded shut is probably the most intimidating and arduous part of recovery.  Instructions I received from the hospital nutritionist pretty much said eat lots of ice cream and have whatever everyone else is having, just throw it in the blender.  I value my health enough to know that a sugary diet is not smart with or without surgery.  Also although I have never been a picky eater I enjoy pairing foods based on texture and complimentary flavors, so blending standard meals is not appetizing at all.

The outline below covers my meal plan for the crucial first two weeks and extending as long as the liquid diet stage which varies from person to person.  It is just a start that can be tailored to any preferences or daily urges, really there is endless variety for a delicious and nutritious diet even within the limitations.  I still get cravings for favorites like pizza or BBQ, but having a several solid choices available and easily prepared or adapted allowed me to not dwell on that or feel stuck in a difficult or unsatisfying diet.  Introducing a new food each day in the beginning gave me something to look forward to and created incentive for light activity preparing and the reward of enjoying the meals.  More on that in my posts and recipes posted separately.  Happy sipping!

Day 1 - 3:  Clear Liquid Diet

(3) 8 oz. Cup Apple, White Grape or Pear juice
(4) 8 oz. Cup Water or Coconut Water (Include 1 scoop Collagen Powder)
(1) 8 oz. Beef consomme

  • Consider having ginger ale in case of nausea and Snapple teas for more variety.
  • Apple juice tastes amazing at all times of day, especially first thing in the morning.  It also mixes well in almost any smoothie.  You'll want to get several large bottles to tide through recovery. 
  • I really craved something savory at dinner and found a robust beef consomme hit the spot.  Avoid recipes with lemon or tomato as the acid will aggravate the incisions.  
  • Medications will fill most of your water intake, but monitor to make sure stay well hydrated.  Mine consisted of 3x Ibuprofen (swelling) as long as needed (4 days), 3x Amoxicillin (antibacterial) for 10 days, dietary supplement 2x Quercetin Bromelain (swelling) starting two days prior and 1-2 weeks after, and 1-2x Collagen Powder (protein) throughout recovery.   
  • Hygiene routine includes salt water rinse 2-3x and brushing 1-2x daily.  Use a soft pick to clean around the bands and splint.  
  • Eating a full "meal / meds" took me about an hour during this time and took a lot of concentration with all the swelling, tenderness and numbness.  At first I used a 10ml syringe, by Day 3 I was drinking from a regular cup with lots of towels handy for drips.    
  • Goal is to stay fully hydrated and pack in as many calories / protein as possible.  
  • If this sounds like a lot - it is!  Eating and sleeping will pretty much fill the day.  

Day 4 - Four Week Post-Op: Blended Diet

8-10am Breakfast:
(1) 8 oz. cups Fruit Juice (All kinds are okay now, consider Prune for added fiber)
(1) 16 oz. Odwalla Protein Shake (Chai, Vanilla Almond or Vanilla)
-OR starting Week 2-
(1) 8 oz. Cream of Wheat with 1 part milk / 1 part water

12-2pm Lunch:
(1) 12 oz. Smoothie

4pm Snack:
(1) 8 oz. Evolution Sweet Greens pressed juice
- OR-
(1) 2 tbsp. Hummus mixed with water
- OR -
(1) 3 oz. Plum Organic Mash Up (from Peet's Coffee; high sugar, good taste, easy on the go)

6-8pm Dinner:
(1) 8 oz. cup of Soup / Puree
(1) 8 oz. cup of Coconut water with Collagen Powder

10pm Snack:
(1) 8 oz. Hot Chocolate (Whole milk, Cocoa Powder and 2 tbsp. Almond Butter)

  • I felt best when eating / drinking every 2 hours, having juice or water in between larger meals. 
  • Find and meet your daily calorie target, can include breakdown of carbs, protein and calcium.  Try to maintain a basic food pyramid for whole nutrition. 
  • Find and meet your daily protein target (Weight in lbs. x .45 = Protein grams)

Week 4 - 6: Soft Foods

Apple sauce
Chia Pudding
Scrambled Eggs
Hot cereal

Tuna Salad
Chicken Salad
Taco Salad

Flaky Fish

Creme brulee
Soft cookies

  • Continue to expand food options as jaw range increases.  No heavy chewing, basically anything you can squish.  
  • Calorie targets will increase as activity increases. 

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