Thursday, July 14, 2016

3 Weeks

Midway through Recovery Stage 3!  On Monday (Day 19) I had my first ortho post-op and it was exciting to see everyone with my new face!  The appointment went quickly.  Really it was all about the visual check to see that everything is in place, no wire change or adjustments.  Dr Good is out on maternity leave so I was seen by a stand-in Doctor.  Coincidentally he had double jaw surgery several years ago and the assistant is going in for lower jaw surgery in a few weeks!  Nice to have that in common, there are so many more cases out there than I was aware of going into this.

The doctor looked over my jaw and teeth and concurred that alignment was good.  He thinks the broken tooth will be okay in the end, but I am still skeptical.  Will get records from the surgeon and review and wait until final cosmetic repairs to decide how to handle it.  Best of all, he was able to cut the top surgical hooks off without removing my wire!  Once again, my mouth feels incredibly open.  At this point I can't remember what it's like to only have teeth without all the attachments.

Continuing the liquid diet, pretty routine at this point.  I've graduated to morning Cream of Wheat and a cup of juice, with smoothies and protein shakes for lunch (portable and easy to drink from), juice snacks if needed for energy boost, and soups for dinner.  Swelling persists on my jaw line, slightly hard to the touch.  I had light pain on the right joint this morning from sleeping on my side.  Pain in my left joint has stopped for the most part.  Numbness on my chin remains unchanged, except that I can now feel sensation in the hollow below my lip, the one area that before was entirely numb.  Lots of tingling in the evening.  Trying not to sneeze or yawn as the stretching is a challenge.

Activity-wise I'm still keeping it light, although not too restricted from normal.  Morning yoga (nothing too intense), work (talking and meetings take a lot of energy, both are getting easier by the day), walking around more, blending and activities around the house.  Talking has gotten easier, but it still sounds a little garbled on certain sounds or if I get tired or talk too fast.  Real food cravings start to set in when I get hungry.

One excitement was a hair cut, long over due I've been so preoccupied with surgery.  For the first time I could see myself in a large mirror from other angles and for a long period of time.  I remember in the past being uncomfortable looking at myself because my resting face was strange.  The difference was subtle, but at the same time dramatic.  I am so happy with the way it turned out, so much more relaxed and natural.

Overall I can still notice progress each day in my energy level, ease in eating and residual effects.  The closer I get the more I look forward to exercising again, having full feeling in my face and finally the finished product.

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