Thursday, June 9, 2016


Around one year ago I visited my dentist to discuss alignment of my teeth.  I had a severe overbite and that caused difficulty eating and speaking, gum recession from bite alignment, teeth marks and sores on my lips, and general self consciousness about my appearance and facial function from the strain of closing my mouth.  Growing up it was a part of my life and although I knew it wasn't perfect I didn't have the means or vision to look into a solution until then.  At 32 years old it was a major life decision to get braces.  With lower jaw surgery as part of the treatment plan the commitment became even more significant and would not be easy.  The thought of dealing with my teeth in their current state forever became unbearable once I could see the potential improvement and freedom.  I knew I had to make the leap.

In two weeks I will undergo orthognathic surgery to correct alignment of my lower jaw (5mm Class II Malocclusion).  It is terrifying and elating all at once.  Between now and then I will post to chronicle the background from braces to pre-op, then continue in real time through the recovery and the end result.  My hope is that others going through similar situations will be encouraged and informed in their paths to a smile for a lifetime!


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