Friday, June 24, 2016

Surgery Day and Recovery Day 1 & 2

June 22, 2016

After thorough research I had compiled all the supplies needed and roughed out a menu plan for a 3 day clear liquid diet, 4 day - 2 week liquid diet, and progression to soft foods.  All preparations were in place.  My pre-op instructions cut off food, water and anything in the mouth from midnight.  I ate a monstrous dinner that evening, then had a snack and ginger tea right before midnight, then settled in for a good night's sleep.

The next morning was go time!  10:30am we departed for the hospital where I checked in at 11:30.  Shortly after I was taken up to the staging area and changed into a gown, then met with the anesthesia team.  The lead was also named Allison and she was one week older than I am!  She offered an anti-nausea patch and got me all preped.  The surgical team trickled in and by 1:30 all were assembled except Dr. Best.  A full hour passed and finally he showed up at 2:30 and I was wheeled away.  Before we got in the elevator I was out and don't remember a thing until waking up in the recovery room.  We stayed there for several hours, nurses cycled through, each being preped on my case and status.  Eventually I was all alone in the back of the recovery wing while waiting for a bed upstairs.  Around 11:30 a team came in for a CT scan, then back to sleep until vitals check.  Around 1am I was taken up to the room.  More ice, more IV fluids.  I felt no pain or discomfort, no nausea, and no congestion in my nose that many people complain about.  Allison took good car of me setting up an easy recovery.  One of the surgical residents visited before he left for the night.  All seemed to be going remarkably well.  I was all smiles, so excited to have the giant hurdle complete.

Recovery Day 1 - June 23

I woke up at 6am to the whole crew paying a visit.  It was good to see their familiar faces, but I was tired and didn't have much to say.  They gave some medications and instructions to the nurse and cleared me for discharge after meeting with the nutritionist.  That took all morning, although she was supposedly on the floor somewhere she never made an appearance, instead sending a trainee to give me a pamphlet describing a blended diet, protein intake and sample menus with recipes.  The nurse came back with my prescriptions, took off my IVs, I changed and packed up, leaving the hospital around 2pm.  A brief stop at Walgreens to fill prescriptions and finally we returned to my apartment.  I took a brief nap, and started syringing drinks and medications.  It takes about an hour to complete dosage of medication and juices.  Lots of towels for dripping, and concentration to make it smooth.  So far I have been using a 10ml syringe, inserting between my front bands and shooting to the side.  Swelling increased through the day.  I can run my hands around the jawline and have feeling everywhere, which is a good sign.  Some numbness still that makes it hard to drink regularly from a cup.  Regular icing and gentle massages see to be taking effect on the swelling.

Recovery Day 2 - June 24

Today I had more energy, started walking around a bit.  I am trying to talk more and move my lips around, but my tongue hurts when it rubs on the splint.  Other than that I still have no pain or discomfort.  The swelling has started to go down on the left side, the right side and my lower lip are still very large.  I started to feel small tingling sensations on my lip, like little champagne bubbles floating up on the sides or middle.  No bruising, even around the area on my hands where the IV's were placed.  I continue on the clear liquid diet until Day 4 where more dense beverages can be introduced.  So far much easier than expected, aside from eating taking so long.  A short nap mid morning and mid afternoon, settling in for the evening now.  Waiting for my jawline to slim down so I can see my new profile.

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