Sunday, June 26, 2016

Day 3 & 4

Day 3

I woke up very tired and knew I needed some serious nutrition.  I had planned to start the regular liquid diet on Day 4, but it needed to happen sooner.  I went through my morning meds (ibuprofen for the swelling, amoxicillin for anti-bacterial, and qucertin supplement for anti-inflammatory) and had a juice, then had my first protein shake.  Cannot describe how good it tasted!  First to have normal food, second all the much needed nutrients.  Then I showered for the first time since the hospital.  It felt good to clean off all the surgical tape residue and the steam was great for my sinuses.  After all that excitement I needed a nap.

The afternoon included a brief visit to my rooftop for some fresh air and a change of view, a nice diversion.  More napping in the afternoon and more feeding.  I made my first attempt at drinking from a cup, which was very challenging at first with a numb lower lip.  I still keep towels under me to catch the occasional drip.  After a few tries I got it down, much faster than syringing and moving my lips a little helps the healing process.

The swelling has started to go down, my right side is still very large.  I have light bruising around my chin that is starting to change color.  The numbness has gotten slightly better.  My lower lip and chin area are still mostly numb except for slight sensation (can feel touch, but not a drip of liquid).  I continue icing as much as possible using bands that wrap my head and jaw and light massaging to stimulate the nerves and increase circulation.

Still not even a hint of pain.  I feel so lucky to not have had any of the nausea, congestion, bleeding or other effects any people talk about.  I sleep propped up on a few pillows, which is a little uncomfortable since I am normally a side sleeper.  Having had severe flue several times the past couple years I am used to that as well and know the difference it makes.  Especially the first few days, any tilting of my head caused pressure increase.  Very important to keep elevated.

Cleaning is essential, especially now that I have started more rich foods.  I do a saline rinse a couple times a day and brush the outside teeth carefully, avoiding sutures.  Although I can't open my mouth, my lips are still stretchy and the brush can go where it needs to.   Aquaphor has been my best friend, regular application has helped my lips heal quickly from the operation.

Day 4

Stage Two of recovery, the worst is in behind!  This morning I started with a protein shake and apple juice, which felt great.  Today's snack menu introduced pressed juice and smoothies, both of which I have been looking forward to.  Feeding sessions still take ages, small portions sip by sip.  I continue to syringe my meds to get them toward the back of my mouth instead of coating all my teeth.  My tongue is protesting the splint and feels sore around the front whether eating, swallowing or talking.  More stretching to keep my mouth active.  The numb area decreased again slightly, now covering about a finger's width inside my chin area.  The swelling went down dramatically today.  Encouraged, I stopped icing and taking ibuprofen.  The bruising has turned yellow, a good sign it will be gone within a few days.

Second big step today - I showered and got presentable to go outside for a walk.  Great to see life outside the apartment and move around more.  I'm starting to feel like myself again, only mute and swollen.

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