Tuesday, August 2, 2016

6 Week Post-Op

Entering the long awaited Recovery Stage 4!  Through the hard part, I am now by and large recovered.  It's hard to believe I've been back at work almost a month, on a liquid diet / soft food for 6 weeks, gone from in bed napping to short walks to tired after a normal day to having a bounce in my step again and energy to tackle whatever the day brings.  As of today I am band free and easing into a normal diet.

Today's appointment with Dr Best was thoroughly enjoyable.  He checked alignment and bite and agreed it looks great.  The incisions have healed well also.  I showed him my range of movement, slightly over two finger's width and rigid side to side / front to back.  In his words, he worries about everything but my pain and motion will likely continue to improve.  We discussed the right joint, which has been painful mornings and evenings.  Both joints can be stiff, with sharp pain at various levels.  He pulled up my xrays and noticed the bone cavity is slightly irregular, but nothing of concern.  During the operation they took great care to adjust the joint exactly right before pinning the jaw in place.  I have no pain in the break area, which would indicate cause for concern.  The clicking they didn't have an explanation for, I'll wait that out and see.

Opening exercises will continue several times daily placing slight pressure on the molars to increase opening.  Also a few lateral stretches, trying to relax.  I've found that it's hard to fit in regular intervals during the day, mostly because I am occupied at work or with people.  After a period of resting I regress to one finger's width opening, and only after stretches get back up to two.  Longer stretches and light massaging of the joint help.  At this stage in healing I can be a little more vigorous.

It's hard to feel the movement in some cases with my gums and chin still numb.  As of yesterday my lower lip is starting to regain feeling, right on the inside edge.  It feels very strange, partly because before it hit my upper teeth and now it contacts my upper lip.  Amazing the changes!   We spoke about movement and speech progress.  Although it's hard for me right now, Dr Best didn't think I needed therapy just more practice and time.  He sat with me for awhile, talking through my whole recovery process including diet, ups and downs and overall experience.  It was encouraging to hear him praise my speedy recovery and he even requested my meal plan as a tool to share with other patients to improve recovery rates.

Most exciting part of the appointment - he showed me the cranial model developed from my CT Scans.  Bone structure of my entire head in 3D, color modeled and capable of spinning to any angle. I could see all the bones and joints, the break, infill and pins.  Quite fascinating!  I wish I had snapped a photo.

When I left the bands were still out.  I asked if that was okay and it was!  I can leave them in during the day to provide an extra level of resistance when I talk or stretch to help the muscles recover, but the active stage is past.  Unfortunately Dr Good will probably have me in more bands starting next week, so I will make sure to enjoy this week of an empty mouth.  Continuing the food progression I can start chewing!  Soft foods for short times to avoid straining or tiring the jaw.  Pain is expected and should be managed, don't over do it.  Lastly, exercise can resume!  He said to start jogging on a treadmill to reduce impact, and to take it easy as aerobic exercise could cause throbbing due to increased blood flow.  I am so excited to move again, it's been hard to go this long without a good workout.

This was the last in regular post surgery appointments!  The remaining are spread out to 3, 6 and 12 months.  I have a slight feeling of getting thrown out of the nest, but really I feel back to myself and have no reservations about continuing to progress without check ups.  Next week I visit Dr Good to begin active braces, setting in motion the final phase of this ordeal.  Within a few months my teeth will move into final position and not only will I have a clear braces free mouth, but the lasting change of a precision bite, white and even teeth, with vastly improved jaw alignment and facial appearance.  Can't wait to get there.


  1. Hi I was wondering if I could contact you about your surgery. I'm supposed to have surgery with Dr.Bast too.

    1. Hi Aurora, I'm sorry I'm only now seeing this. I hope your treatment was a success and that you are well into recovery by now! If you do still have questions I'd be happy to discuss. Add me on Google+?
